If you want to get spectra maps for band range wider than 30 Hz, you need to do next steps:
1) Open WinEEG software, Menu—Setup—EEG Bandranges
2) In opened window select “List name”, for example “Clinical 2” and add new bands as you need (here Ext. 1, Ext. 2 and Ext. 3)
Use button “Change” to define every single band.

Click OK
3) Open the EEG file
4) Select time interval
5) Menu—Analysis—EEG Spectra
In opened window select “Upper spectra frequency”

6) Click OK and see spectra window. Switch to the map mode.

7) You will see mapping for default band set

Click Menu—Analysis—EEG bandranges—Clinical 2
8) And you get mapping for extended frequency range

As to your question about clinical report…
WinEEG does not generate the report automatically, but you can do it manually using WinEEG+MS Word.
In EEG window you need to click the button and Report window in MS Word will open

When you have mapping result you should click the button

Here is report with your results