ECG/EOG/EMG biosignals recording

All stanadrd Mitsar-EEG amplifiers have extra bipolar channels for extra biosignals recording. Following data can be acquired:
- Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)
- Electrooculogram (EOG)
- Electromiogram (EMG)
- Respiration
- And etc.
Below is the scheme of electrodes placement of the subject body or face to record proper signal. It is also required to add POLY (BIO) channel to the montage like shown on the EEGStudio screen capture on Fig 1.
Be aware that signal amplitude of EEG and biosignals could be different and it might be necessary to sent individual parameters for every biosignal you add to the montage library including High and Low Pass filters as well as Sensivity. You can do that either in Montage library or later in EEG window like by right mouse click on derivation name.

ECG recording with disposable electrodes
Any disposable ECG electrodes available on the market could be used. Every Mitsar-EEG systems is equipped with pair snap button cables for ECG signal recording. Pleasant of ECG electrodes depends on doctor preferences and investigation goals.

Recorded ECG signal could be processed in EEGStudio software in HRV trend graph shown on Fig 4..

ECG recording with wrist clamps
You can also record ECG signal using wrist clamps like shown on the Fig 5.

EOG recording
Recording of eye movements or EOG is necessary both for PSG investigations and but also could be used for eye movement artifact correction. Although we recommend to apply ICA decomposition for eye blinks extraction and suppression. Common electrodes placement for horizontal eye movements (HEOG) and vertical eye blinks (VEOG) detection is shown below. Standard cup electrodes placed on ten20 or any other EEG paste are recommended but also disposable ECG/EMG electrodes could be used for that purposes.

Facial EMG recording
Recording of facial EMG signal is used while PSG investigation and also for emotion detection in other research . Here is the command electrodes placement for facial EMG recording.

Standard cup electrodes placed on ten20 or any other EEG paste can be used as well as disposable ECG/EMG electrodes.

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