How Can We Help?
WinEEG software requires proper license for EEG and/or ERP recordings and import of third-party files in EDF/EDF+ formats that is provide on the security USB dongle. Below you will find setup and verification tutorial of your dongle.
Setup procedure:
- Download and install Guardant dongle driver
- Plug-in your dongle to on of USB port of the computer with installed WinEEG software

- Go to Control Panel – Device Manager and check if it is displayed in the device list without any cautions parts

- You can also find it in Control Panel – Device and Printers under the name Guardant Sign or Stealth.

- Go to WinEEG folder C:\Mitsar\WinEEG
- Find and run GuarView.exe utility
- Check if you dongle is recognized and your license is displayed correctly

Available license types:
OK | Full (advanced) license with access to ERP recording and import of EDF files |
EEG only | Basic license for EEG records and processing only |
Check your WinEEG advanced license status
- Start WinEEG only after your dongle is connected and installed
- Go to WinEEG – Setup – Equipment parameters and check if Access codes textboxes are NOT available. That indicates that your dongle is well recognized by WiNEEG.

- Now you can check if EDF+ files import is available. You can also check access to ERP recording after you start new investigation.
- Go to WinEEG – File – Import EDF+ Date. This function should be available if you have advanced license.