WinEEG offers tools for spike detection, averaging and localization in Loreta.
1. To detect and mark spikes to go Analysis – Spike Detection… Software will search for Spikes according to the template. We do not recommend to change template parameters except of Sharpness.

2. All detected Spikes will be marked in EEG windows including channel name there the Spike was detected.

3. Right mouse click on Spike to change channel name or delete it

4. To add new Spike manually make a right click on EEG curve and select Add Spike

5. Right click on Spike to copy it to Clipboard. Below are sample of single Spike maps.

6. You can also copy EEG with Spike to your report.

7. To Average spiks go to Analysis – Spike Averaging. All detected spikes will be averages by channel. Below is a sample of Average EEG Spike on channel T4.

8. To copy averaged Spike maps to Report make a right mouse click on the correspondent channel and choose Copy Channel. Below is a sample of Averaged Spike maps.

9. To localize averaged Spike in Loreta make a right mouse click on correspondent channel and choose Source Distributon (LORETA). Below are LORETA maps of Averaged Spike.

10. To access spike statistics by channels make a right clikc in Average Spikes windows and choose Groups Info.
Group name | Total | Averaged |
[Fp1-Av] | 2 | 2 |
[Fp2-Av] | 7 | 7 |
[F7-Av] | 3 | 3 |
[T4-Av] | 97 | 97 |
[O1-Av] | 6 | 6 |
[O2-Av] | 2 | 2 |