How Can We Help?
EEGStudio software package is ready for Neurofeedback training sessions,
To be able to use EEGStudio for Neurofeedback training you need commercial or trial license from us. Get you full license together with your purchase or request trial license via contact form.
Run any of EEGStudio modules. You can start a new examination from DATAStudio database or simple find EEGStudio Acquisition module:
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Mitsar\EEG Studio
- Open Application options [1] and find Software License [2] tab.
- Click Enter license code [3] and past your code to Specify license code text box [4] and click Activate button.
- Both Trends and Biofeedback [5]have to be activated

Now you are all set and ready to start your first training session.