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How can I use LORETA for source distribution?
1.Choose two sources of activity localization you want to export to LORETA for analysis.
2. Put left marker on the first event and right marker on the second.

3. Then perform command Analysis -> Source distribution (LORETA).

4. By first start WinEEG will ask you for LORETA location (C:\Program Files\LORETA\020-Main\LORETA.exe).

Find following location C:\Program Files\LORETA\020-Main\ choose LORETA.exe file and press “Open” button. .
5. Wait while LORETA is creating transformation matrix.

6. Get the results of data processing.

7. To switch between two (1 or 2) sources of activity localization use “Time Frame” menu:

8. To copy pictures to clipboard click “Copy to clipboard” button in LORETA window. Then you can past it to final report.
How can I use LORETA for spectra power distribution?
1. Select part of EEG recording for analysis and mark it with yellow markers.
2. Perform command Analysis -> Spectra power distribution (LORETA).

3. Get the results of analysis.

To get power distribution for only one frequency band before LORETA processing use bandrange filter (Analysis ->Bandrange filter -> …)
4. To copy pictures to clipboard, click “Copy to clipboard” button in LOREAT window. Then you can past it to final report.
How can I use sLORETA?
1. First follow the same steps as described in LORETA source distribution tutorials for the selected interval.
2. Get results in LORETA and without its closing start sLORETA software.
3. In sLORETA main menu open Viewer/Explorer.

4. You will see the following window.

5. In Viewer/Explorer menu you have to define number of electrodes and sampling rate of your recording.

• First fill in number of electrodes of your recording (19 for example).

• Then fill in sampling rate of your recording. You can check your sampling rate in the patient card.

• Then you have to open electrodes coordinates file (*.sxyz) and transformation matrix file (*.spinv).
• To open electrodes coordinates file perform command File -> Open electrodes coordinates file.

• Browse for its location and press Open button.

• To open transformation matrix file perform command File -> Open transformation matrix file.

• Browse for its location and press Open button.

6. To save defined parameters perform command Jobs.

7. In Jobs dialog window perform command SaveCurrent. And you will get textboxes filled in with defined parameters.

Next time you have only to load saved job. To do it first perform command Jobs in Viewer/Explorer menu and then press LoadSelected in Jobs dialog window.
8. Now you are ready to export data from LORETA for analysis.
9. In sLORETA Viewer/Explorer perform command File -> Open EEG/ERP file.

10. Browse for files that has been already calculated by Loreta. It appears in C:\Mitsar\WinEEG\Temp after you have performed Loreta. Choose WinEEGLoretaVoltage.txt file and press Open button.

11. Get results in sLoreta.