1. Import EEG file containing ECG date. WinHRV-File-Import Data… Select the bio (poly) cahnnel that was used to record ECG data from the drop down menu.

2. Select the ECG interval you would like to process. We suggest to select it not from the beginning of the file, like shown on the screen capture. Click on Analysis – Process ECG to process the file and mark the R picks automatically.

3. You can delete to add R picks manual by clicking the right mouse button on ECG.

4. From Analysis drop down menu you can switch between HRV window, HRV diagrams and Respiratory data.

5. To include frequency and statistics in the final report switch back to HRV window and click on Isert HRV parameters table… in Analysis drop down menu

6. To include Spectra and other data to Final report either copy them to Clipboard with Ctrl+C command or use Edit-Past Picture